2-Methyl-5-Nitroimidazole Specification Sheet 2015

Product 2-METHYL-5-NITROIMIDAZOLE Molecular Formula C2H5N3O2
CAS No 88054-22-2 Molecular Weight 127.10




S.No. Particulars Standard Limits
1 Description Creamish white to cream coloured powder
2 Solubility Sparingly soluble in water, soluble in aqueous solution of alkali, 5 % w/v solution in dimethyl formamide should be clear
3 Melting Point Between 248°C to 254°C
4 Loss on drying Not more than 0.5 % w/w
5 Sulphated Ash Not more than 0.1 % w/w
6 Salt content (as NH4SO4 ) Not more than 0.5 % w/w
7 Related substance (By TLC) 4,(5) Nitro imidazole -Not more than 1.0 % w/w
8 Assay Not less than 99.0% w/w and not more than100.5 % w/w of C4H5N3O2, calculated with reference to the dried substance

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